It’s been almost a week since my first doctor’s appointment. I’ve been doing the exercises my doctor recommended every other day, gradually increasing reps/sets.

Last night, I decided to go on my first post injury run. I was debating how hard I should push myself. My knee was feeling better but not 100%. I also needed to take it easy since I hadn’t been on a run since the Disney Half on September 5.

I remembered that my BF was interested in starting the C25K (Couch to 5K) program. He’s never really considered running because he used to get really bad shin splints in the past. He recently had a gait analysis done and bought a new pair of shoes, so we’re hoping that with proper shoes, he can run with minimal (or ideally no) pain.

We decided that it would be the perfect time for him to start the program. He can start off slowly, and I can ease my way back into running, hopefully without aggravating my injury.

After a “brisk 5 minute warmup”, we did intervals of 60 seconds jogging/90 seconds walking. It was a nice return to running, but I kept forgetting to switch from jogging to walking. Oops.

Including our warmup/cooldown walk, we ran about 1.59 miles. I tried to powerwalk and maintained a slow and steady pace while I ran (about a 13:50 ish pace).

My custom orthotics won’t be ready for about another week, so despite the short distance, I ran with my knee sleeve on “just in case”. I stretched out and foam rolled when I was done, and iced my knee after my shower. So far, so good. No pain =)

I’ll continue the program a little longer with the BF, until he feels motivated enough to run on his own. If he sticks with the program, it has him running his first 5K the week of Thanksgiving. I want to sign us up for a local Turkey Trot – move your feet before you eat!